Weirdest Plant Tips That Surprisingly Work

When it comes to gardening, how to keep the plant alive is the easiest part. But to make it flourish and keep it lush will credit extra effort. Those who can effortlessly do this are called the green thumbs as they are the ones who have the skills. Unfortunately, to the rest who don’t possess the gift, they’ll have to learn by the book on top of the hard work they will need to put in. It’s hard work, we know, but it is also not impossible. So if you find yourself comparing your garden to your neighbors, it could be that they know some tricks that you don’t. Here are some weird plant tips that could work for you:

Use Coffee Filters With Your Potted Plants

When you are planting a new plant, you might want to use coffee filters with it. No need to make an investment in this since used coffee filters are enough. After placing the used filter, put your new plant in before adding more soil into your pot. This way, when you have to re-pot the plant, you can easily remove and transfer it to its next home.

Eggshells Sprinkled Around Your Plants

One of the most annoying things about gardening are pests that break and eat your plants. Try sprinkling eggshells around your plants to keep some of these pests away. You would also see how your plant benefits from the calcium these eggshells give to the soil which the plant feeds on.

Use Coffee Grounds

After you’ve had your coffee fix, you might want to consider putting your used coffee grounds to good use. Used coffee grounds are credited as a good source of nitrogen which happens to be an important plant nutrient that needs to be added to your compost bin. If you are not a coffee person, try connecting with the nearest coffee shop to your place, they might give you a generous weight for a discount or for free.

Talk to Your Plants

There are many studies that prove plants exposed to sound waves tend to grow stronger stems. That is why there are plant lovers who enjoy talking and singing to their plants. You should give it a try and see for yourself the difference between a plant exposed to your voice to one that wasn’t.

Pee in the Garden

Other than used coffee grounds, urine also credits to be a good source of nitrogen. In fact, it contains a high content of the nutrient that has to be mixed in the compost soil. However, there’s a good way to apply this and that is through collecting your urine first in a container and then mixing it with water before pouring it around the roots of your plants for more effective results.

Bury the News

Before you start planting, you have got to prepare your garden bed first. Spreading some old newspaper onto the soil and covering it with mulch will prepare the bed and suffocate any unwanted weeds in there. It will also help retain moisture for the plants that you intend to grow. Since newspapers are biodegradable, there is no need for you to remove them once you start planting.


Another annoying problem in gardening are weeds growing in your bed. In this case, you might want to consider spraying vinegar directly to the weed and watch it get scorched within days. After ridding them, water your garden and neutralize the acidity by sprinkling baking soda onto the soil.

Epsom Salt

Epsom salt is credited for its magnesium sulphate content which also happens to be one of the nutrients that should be present in the compost soil. In fact, when germinating seeds, it’s good to add extra magnesium content to the soil. The nutrient is said to not just benefit germination but also promote healthy plant leaves and help produce plenty of flowers and fruit. By sprinkling the salt around your plant, it helps shoo away the pests, too.

Scald Weeds

Another way to get rid of the stubborn growth of unwanted plants is by pouring some hot water boiled to some degree onto the weeds. Watch it scald them away.

Cooking Water

Your cooking is usually full of nutrients from the food you were cooking. By using it to water your plants, it gives nutrients to your plants and aids them to grow beautifully. So after cooking, instead of letting it go down the drain, let it cool off instead and use it to water your plants. This way it saves you some water consumption.
